Friday, January 13, 2012

Faith & Family Friday

So, on Fridays I am going to post about my family or something about faith.
Today it's going to be about my family.
Both of my school-aged kids are having trouble with their math facts. So, I was planning to purchase some flashcards for addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Then I came across several websites that make flashcards for you! Well, you make the card content, but the format is there and you can print it. There is also one that will read the flashcard to your child. So cool!! (These sites also work well for adults going back to school. Wink, wink!)
Let me know if you use them and how they work for you!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Crunchy, As In Granola

The name is one given to me by my sorority "big sis" over 18 years ago. It really has always fit me. I love natural, easy-going living, but there is a little princess in me too. I love photography, art, my kids, cooking, crafting, and God. It was too hard to blog about all these individually. I am one person who loves many things, so I decided to start the year off with one blog that covers everything I love! I hope you'll join me.